Hyperledger Cello Installation

2 min readJun 6, 2018


Cello can make use of Docker APIs to manage blockchain clusters. Equally, if not more important, it can be integrated with a Hyplerledger Explorer dashboard to bring detailed operational knowledge and ledger detail to the enterprise IT team.

Succinctly put, this incubation aims “to reduce the effort required for creating, managing, and terminating blockchains” on various cloud infrastructures (including bare metal, virtual machine, and containers), according to its mission statement.

According to the incubation notice, Cello allows for:

  • Provisioning customizable blockchains instantly (e.g., a 6-node fabric chain using PBFT consensus)
  • Maintaining a pool of running blockchains healthy with no manual operations involved
  • Checking the system’s status, scaling the chain numbers, changing resources, etc. through a dashboard

Major Cello’s features include:

  • Management of multiple blockchains (e.g., create, delete, and keep health automatically)
  • Nearly instant response, even with hundreds of chains or nodes
  • Support for customized blockchains request (e.g., size, consensus) — currently, there is support for Hyperledger Fabric
  • Support for a native Docker host or a Swarm host as the compute nodes
  • Support for heterogeneous architecture (e.g., z Systems, Power Systems, and x86) from bare-metal servers to virtual machines
  • Extensible with monitoring, logging, and health features through employing additional components

Hyperledger Cello is a blockchain provision and operation system, which helps manage blockchain networks.


  1. Docker
  2. Docker compose
  3. Git
  4. make

Installation Steps (Master Node)

  1. git clone http://gerrit.hyperledger.org/r/cello && cd cello
  2. make setup-master
  3. make start
  4. URL

Default credentials for operator dashboard is

Username: admin

Password: pass

Installation Steps (Worker Node)

  1. sudo systemctl stop docker.service
  2. sudo dockerd -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock — api-cors-header=’*’ — default-ulimit=nofile=8192:16384 — default-ulimit=nproc=8192:16384 -D & (dont kill this terminal)
  3. docker -H Worker_Node_IP:2375 info (test in alternate terminal) eg: docker -H info
  4. make setup-worker
  5. make doc (to create local documents for reference)



  1. https://github.com/hyperledger/cello
  2. https://github.com/hyperledger/cello/tree/master/user-dashboard




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